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Tips for Biking in Busy Urban Areas

Bike accident

Biking in busy cities and large metro areas can be intimidating, and for good reason! The truth is, accidents do happen from time to time, and bicyclists are at a particularly higher risk for major injuries or even death. While there’s no denying that bicycling comes with its own set of risks, there are steps you can take to help mitigate these risks.

In addition to following common-sense advice such as adhering to all bicycling laws/regulations and wearing proper safety equipment at all times, here are a few other pointers that can help keep you safe while you cycle around town and other busy areas.

Plan and Map Out a Safe Route

This one is easily overlooked by cyclists. Don’t just plug your destination to your GPS or head out without thinking about the route you’ll be taking. Figure out if there any road features or hazards that you need to be aware of, such as dedicated bike lanes, lack of sidewalks or shoulders, and more. Think about the flow of traffic, and whether it makes more sense to stick to quieter backroads as opposed to the constantly-busy main roads.

Make Yourself as Visible as Possible

When a driver is involved in a collision with a cyclist, one of the most common things you hear is that the driver didn’t see the other person, at least not quickly enough to be able to prevent the accident. When biking, you should always make efforts to wear high-visibility clothing and do what you can to stick out as much as possible. If you’re riding at night, don’t forget to add a set of lights to your bike’s frame, the tires, or any other place that can help you increase your visibility when it’s dark.

Have a Plan in Case of an Accident

Nobody like to think about this, but the possibility of an accident is always present. If you’re unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident while riding your bike, make sure to have a plan in place, especially because accidents can be traumatic experiences. Check to make sure everyone is fine (including yourself), contact the authorities, and take time to collect the details or information that you need.

We hope this information was useful as you plan for the upcoming year and look at your commuting options. If you want to learn more about this topic, or to consult with a qualified personal injury attorney, know that you can count on us at the Law Offices of Dean Petrulakis,

Call us today! We offer free initial consultations, where you can learn more about what our skilled personal injury lawyer do.