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Have Texting and Cellphone Bans Made California Roads Safer?

Texting and driving

California does not play around when it comes to texting while driving. In an attempt to make the roads safer, the state has issued blanket cellphone and texting bans for anyone who is operating a vehicle, and this even includes activities such as entering GPS destinations while behind the driver’s seat.

While these laws might seem excessive to many, others can’t argue with the rationale. After all, distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents across the entire nation. With that said, have these regulations made a meaningful impact to road safety across the state? To answer this question, we can review a recent study that was showcased in the American Journal of Public Health. 

Researchers Identify a Drop in Hospitalization Rates After Texting Bans

The findings of this study paint a promising picture for texting and cellphone bans. After accounting for factors such as other laws and restrictions as well as the effect that drunk drivers have on accident rates, the researchers saw a drop of hospitalization rates involving a car accident. Specifically, hospitalizations dropped 7 percent across places where texting and cellphone bans were implemented for drivers. 

Who is Most Likely to Text and Drive?

Other researchers have also uncovered interesting details involving the profiles of those most likely to text and drive. Despite popular belief that the “youth” are the face of the cell phone/texting while driving epidemic, data suggest otherwise. As per the Governors Highway Traffic Safety Administration, those who are between 25-40 are most likely to use their phone while driving.

This is especially relevant because the report highlighted in American Journal of Public Health shows that this very group experienced the biggest decline in hospitalization rates after cellphone bans were put in place. Nonetheless, everyone seems to benefit from these new laws as they seem to make the roads safer on a universal basis, and distracted drivers having one less thing to distract them is never a bad thing.

Speak with our Knowledgeable CA Personal Injury Attorneys

There you have it, as it turns out cell phone bans do lead to safer roads. Nonetheless, accidents can and still do happen. If you were injured by the negligent or careless actions of another driver, know that you have options at your disposal. 

Learn more about how we at the Law Offices of Dean Petrulakis can help you recover what you deserve. Call us at (209) 528-0404 and book a free initial consultation!