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Five More Dangerous Jobs in America

Construction accident

For today’s post, we want to continue last month’s discussion and look over even more dangerous jobs in America. Risk is inherent in all workplaces but these careers are particularly high-risk (along with those we discussed last month). As always, we invite you to contact us at the Law Offices of Dean Petrulakis if you’re looking for specific legal advice.

With that disclaimer out of the way, here’s a breakdown of five of the most dangerous jobs in the U. S.

  • Truck drivers: While accidents in this industry have actually decreased from previous years, they still account for a quarter of all workplace injuries. Having to drive long distances and for long periods of time while dealing with traffic is inherently hazardous, as is transporting heavy loads on tight deadlines.
  • Iron and steel workers: This is one industry that saw increased accidents this last year, which was already at a high number. Workers work in environments where they can experience cuts, falls, burns, and more while working with dangerous equipment and hazardous materials.
  • Farmers and Ag workers: Farmworkers and laborers saw an increase of 22 percent in accidents. Having to engage in hard labor while using dangerous machinery and dealing with exposure to the elements carries inherent risks, and since farms are located in rural areas, getting immediate medical attention can be a challenge.
  • Utility line workers: Those who work with electrical power lines have to deal with harsh weather, electrical hazards, the risk of burns, and more. The fatal injury rate for this industry rose from 19% in the last few years to 21% in recent years.
  • Landscaping and groundskeeping workers: Fatal injuries in this industry rose a shocking 15 percent in recent times. Here, workers are exposed to extreme heat and other unfavorable weather conditions, the risk of falling from heights or getting stuck in machinery, electrical hazards, and more.

Talk to a Knowledgeable Personal Injury Attorney in CA

This completes our series on the top ten most dangerous jobs in the nation. Remember, if you or a loved one experienced a workplace injury or death, you might be entitled to compensation, particularly when the incident was a result of negligence or recklessness.

Learn more about what we at the Law Offices of Dean Petrulakis do. To schedule a free initial consultation with a knowledgeable CA personal injury attorney, simply pick up the phone and dial us at (209) 528-0404.