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Swimming Pool Accidents: A Commonly Overlooked Hazard

A lifeguard rescue

Everyone loves a pristine and refreshing pool during the hot summer months, but nothing comes without risks. Pool accidents, including accidental drowning, are much more common than people suspect. In fact, there is an average of around 4,000-5000 reported pool injuries in any given recent year (as per the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission).

When pool accidents do occur, many victims assume that they themselves are to blame, as perhaps they were not being careful enough or didn’t pay attention. However, swimming pools come with strict codes and requirements, and pool owners/operators who don’t keep up with these new mandates can be held liable for operating an unsafe swimming pool.

Swimming Pool Accidents and Negligence

The law is clear: preventing swimming pool accidents and injuries is the responsibility of the pool owner. If negligence is involved, pool owners are often found liable for injuries and accidental drowning. This means that many victims of swimming pool accidents don’t always have to take on all the medical costs and deal with all other associated consequences on their own.

One way in which negligence can be established is by proving that the pool owner/operator has failed to keep up with all pool rules and regulations. These codes and requirements are updated periodically, and owners who don’t stay up to date are exposing themselves and their guests to conditions deemed unsafe by a variety of regulatory bodies.

Other forms of negligence can include failure to maintain safe premises. For example, puddles that are not promptly taken care of can be considered hazards, and if a pool owner knew about a hazard before an accident took place, he/she could be found liable for the accident.

Count on a Trusted Personal Injury Attorney

Whatever the specifics of your case might be, remember that the burden of proof lies on the individual making the claim. In order to ensure that you are able to pursue the compensation that is owed, your first step should always be to consult with a reputable legal professional.

Call the Law Offices of Dean Petrulakis today to schedule a free initial consultation.