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I Was Attacked by a Dog. How Can I Prove That the Owner Is Responsible?


If you were attacked by a dog and you sustained serious injury as a result of that attack, you may be wondering how you will be able to prove the owner is responsible. In our state, the law requires that dog owners be held legally and financially liable for injuries or loss caused by their dogs.

Prior to seeking compensation for injuries from a vicious dog attack, you will first be required to show conclusive evidence that the dog you identified is the animal that attacked you. You must then prove that dog is owned by the individual from whom you are seeking damages. You must also be able to confirm you were not trespassing at the time of the attack and you had a valid reason to be on the premises. Your chances of being able to prove the owner is responsible for your injuries will greatly improve if you are able to show clear evidence that:

The Dog's Owner Failed To Properly Restrain The Dog:

A dog who is left to wander around its owner's yard, without a secure fence or locking gate to prevent it from being able to escape and go after innocent people is not adequately restrained. It is the owner's responsibility to restrain the dog to prevent danger to others in the community or area.

The Dog's Owner Neglected To Place Adequate Signts So That Visitors Would Be Informed Of The Dog's Presence And Potentially Agressive Behavior:

There are many warning signs which can be purchased or made that will alert visitors and guests to the fact that a dog is on the premises. Dog owners who fail to post proper signage or warn people of their dog's potentially aggressive behavior are not only being negligent, they are being reckless in regards to the safety of others.

The Dog's Owner Failed To Vaccinate The Dog:

Dogs who have not been properly vaccinated can spread disease to other animals and humans as well. When an individual's illness can be traced back to the owner's failure to vaccinate his or her dog, the owner can be held responsible.

The Dog's Owner Had Prior Knowledge Of The Dog's History Of Aggression:

Dog owners who know that their dog has a history of aggression must take extra precautions to ensure their dog is properly restrained so it does not cause harm. Any dog owner who fails to take such precautions must be held liable for negligent behavior.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

It is important to note that if the dog's owner can prove it was your actions that provoked the dog and caused the attack, you may be denied the right to compensation. Retaining the counsel of a Modesto personal injury attorney from our firm will greatly improve your chances of being able to establish liability and hold the dog's owner responsible for your injuries. Here are a couple of the benefits of working with our firm:

  • We offer clients contracts on a contingency fee basis, so there is no obligation to pay legal fees unless we recover a settlement or jury award.
  • We can also provide a number of other services including assisting you with getting the high-quality medical attention your injuries require, seeing that your medical bills are paid, and working diligently to recover all economic and non-economic damages, which will vary from case to case.

From the moment you retain our services, we will work closely with you. We care, and we are ready to fight for you. Call the Law Offices of Dean Petrulakis now to get your personal injury case into motion.